Christmas 2012 Holiday

January 2013, by Tom

After several months of spending every available spare minute in the backyard busying ourselves with one thing or another, it was about time we had a holiday. Even only to keep us away from the house for a few weeks! Addictive as this home ownership is, sometimes it's good to take a break and let the completed work sink in a little before rushing onto the next task.

Before we took off on our holiday, however, we hosted a Peck/Prosser Christmas dinner. The weather played ball, the deck was sweltering, and the tasty beef fillet and guest provided salads went down a treat. A lovely start to the holiday festivities - and so wonderful to be able to host a Chirstmassy dinner at our very own place.

The last thing we did before heading away was to make the sand pit! I frantically dug out a large hole in the lawn and erected the wooden framing while Gini went to Ablaze and got a trailer of pea metal / sand to go into it. Nothing like a bit of last minute sand pit creating to get the heart pumping.

This year's Christmas was a Turner Christmas. It was decided that every second year, the Turner clan would descend on New Zealand for a fun filled two weeks of Turner overload. The first week of which, would be up at Mount Maunganui - the traditional Turner family Christmas location.

Graham, Lisa, Lauren, Paul and Ali's flights flew in at roughly the same time (around midnight), so their plan was for Nan Helen and Grandad Robin to drive straight to Ohakune for the night to break up the long journey to the Mount. Unfortunately their flights were delayed - which meant they didn't arrive in Ohakune till after 5.30am!

We decided on a more relaxing approach, by stopping into Taupo for a few nights with Grandpa Alan and Granny Trish on the way north. We were able to inspect the "Guest House" - the new addition to the property - and very nice it was too. We sweltered in the summer heat and managed a cooling off in the lake with the dogs. Olive amused us with her oh-so-nearly crawling and her struggling to go to sleep in 27 degree heat. Finally the holiday feeling was kicking in, as what usually happens in Taupo, we started to relax.

After the Turner clan left Ohakune, they joined us in Taupo for a lunch break. It was great to catch up with everyone again, and to see how much Ali had changed in the last few months since we saw him in Melbourne. Quite a little character! We also congratulated Lisa and Graham on their awesome news.

Then, it was off to the Mount for a week! We left Lyon with the lucky Grandparents for the week and took off up north.

There were two units at the Fairway Lodge timeshare this time round. One unit for us with babies, and the other for those without. This plan worked out pretty well, as we all had plenty of space and we could retreat to the other unit once the kids had gone to bed as to not disturb them.

The week was fun filled indeed. BBQ's, swims at the beach (in-between storms), swims in the pool, swims in the big bath (spa pool), tennis, golf, walks around the mount and a couple of runs, including the Boxing day "King of the Mount" run - a 4.5k run to the top of the Mount and back again (which Graham and Paul opted to eat McDonalds instead of joining me on).

Christmas day was the main event - we pigged out on wife saver and croissants for breaky, then all handed out our secret santa gifts - which I think everyone agreed was a great idea. As the day got on, we were joined by Aunty Jenny, Colin and cousins Aram (and as of that morning, fiancée Vanessa) and Zaven and their uncle who were also in town for the week, Uncle Chris, Aunty Delwyn and Granny - and later on Cousins Sam and Faith popped in. There were 20 of us all up. We all were on salad duties and Helen and Robin cooked the two beef fillets to perfection. We went into the night with numerous whiskeys, games of pool, a massive secret Santa sack, followed by karaoke, and an brotherly love arm wrestle (Paul won).

After a week of Mount madness, it was time to pack up and head home again. We stopped off at Taupo for a couple of nights on our way home. This time Jen and Dave (and Alex and Violet) were there to hang out with. We went for a walk to eat burgers to meet up with the Turners on their way through on Pauls birthday - Gini, Olive and Lyon went for a dip to cool off. That night we had three in the big bath for some splish splashing.

Finally, it was time to head home again. Luckily the weather had cooled off a little for the return journey home and Olive slept well before and after a lunch stop in Hunterville (where Lyon barked madly at the dog statue). We arrived home, sweet home, and immediately got to work tidying up the place ready for the new years eve party we had planned for the following day! The lawn had grown to a staggering height, but other than that, everything was still looking pretty good.

New Years eve was upon us, and it was a scorcher! We were so lucky with the weather and the all day BBQ was a complete success. People came and went, babies and toddlers took turns sleeping in the bedrooms and everyone seemed to have a good time, marvelling over our hard work. There were even 8-10 of us left at the stroke of midnight! Nige and Lana had decided to stay the night and so stayed up with us till after 2.30am - the latest night we've had in months.

With the holiday nearing an end, we had one trip left in us. A night in Peka Peka at Helen and Dereks family batch. Nige, Lana and Anthony, Derek, Helen and Harry, Marcus, Jess and us had a lovely night away with a BBQ spit roasted pork loin and a game of Settlers (which I won). The kids got to bath together (Harry's humpy move is hilarious!).

After returning from Peka Peka, we ventured to Bec and Rupes lovely house in Wadestown for another beautiful afternoon in the sun, drinking on their back lawn.

Finally, the Sunday had arrived when the Turner clan were dispersing, so with one last chance to show off our deck, we invited them all round for home made pizza before they took off to the airport. With temperatures reaching 32 outside, we were all hiding inside shortly after lunch. It was such a perfect day that after the Turners had all left we invited Nige and Lana around for one last BBQ in the sun before the new years work commenced.

All in all, a fantastic holiday, Olives first Christmas, and remarkable weather on the days that mattered. Bring on an incredible 2013!

Happy New Year!


Cousin play with Alex and Violet

Cousin play with Alex and Violet



And the surf! Slowly but surely, anyway.

And the surf! Slowly but surely, anyway.

Three in the tub

Three in the tub

Nicky and Helen

Nicky and Helen

Olive loves to swing

Olive loves to swing

Picnic on the lawn

Picnic on the lawn

Three in the bath

Three in the bath

Pizza feast

Pizza feast