Olive's First Birthday Bash

February 2013, by Tom

We've made it! Olive turned the big o-n-e on Friday the 15th so on Saturday we held a bit of a birthday bash for her.

All of her family and friends were there except for those overseas who sent lovely messages, there was an amazing cake (Little Bug Blue) created by Mummy, a slide, a sandpit and a swing which were all put to great use - especially by the older friends. The grandparents came with tasty treats and nibbles to keep the guests happy and Wellington put on a hot sunny day to help with the celebrations, yet again. Lyon managed to eat half the first chocolate cake Gini made and left cooling on the back of the kitchen bench. He also managed to steal a couple of the cupcakes Granny had made (and lick the icing off a few more). He's never one to miss out!

It's hard to imagine we've had Olive with us for a year now. It has gone so quick! But she has certainly changed so much in such a short time. Especially in the last couple of weeks, when she has found mobility, a greater understanding of what we are saying (she loves defying "no") and the occasional word (woof! being a favourite, although "dada" seems to be her word for most things). She is such a happy wee thing, a joy to watch as she plays with her toys, toddles around, clambering over anything in her path - including Lyon, who she loves to climb up on and pull his hair (and occasionally give some "nice patting" to). She beelines to any open door leading to the deck (has used the dog flap once), and heads straight for the steps up to the grass (or reverse traversing the slide). She still needs to work on coming back down, however!

Sleeping is still a bit of a trial and error, with periods of great sleep (we managed to get her sleeping through the night at 11 months, which lasted a good couple of weeks), followed by very inconsistent periods (such as at the moment), more than likely due to more teeth coming through (there are at least two molars that have breached the gums).

She has gone from crawling to standing holding onto something to walking with the trolly to kamakaze standing unaided for a few seconds at a time in a couple of weeks. She has started using a spoon if we pile the food on, then after licking clean, either throws the spoon to the floor or starts stabbing the rest of the food in her bowl with it. Mealtimes are a mixed bag. Some things get scoffed down in minutes such as risotto, macaroni cheese, mushroom soup, couscous, broccoli, eggplant, rice bubbles (in yoghurt), bananas, raspberries, blueberries and most things that are coated in yoghurt. She usually throws other things on the floor without it even touching her lips - which can be a little embarrassing when we are out and don't have Lyon to clean up after her.

She wiggles to music, claps, waves, points, cuddles, rolls balls to you, sorts stuff, posts stuff and makes it an impossible mission every nappy change.

Happy Birthday Olive! We are so enjoying the little person you have become and can't wait to see what delights await us around the corner.


The half eaten birthday cake ..

The half eaten birthday cake ..

The toddler barrier works.

The toddler barrier works.

A pile of ginger bread

A pile of ginger bread

As were 30 mini burgers (which, even the buns were made from scratch .. never again though!)

As were 30 mini burgers (which, even the buns were made from scratch .. never again though!)

The birthday girl, in her party dress

The birthday girl, in her party dress

And gets fingered

And gets fingered

Our lounge was like a nursary

Our lounge was like a nursary

Violet and Lucy, born only days apart

Violet and Lucy, born only days apart