“Mummy picked up daddy and then they went around and around the world until they found a house and I was born†- Iris
Dinner is served. Iris hops up late and states “I didn’t order this!â€
Well it finally happened, I expected it to be my 16month old but it was my 4 and a half year old who swallowed a button. Freaked out and went straight to the toilet after!
"Daddy, I can’t find the ABCD from this book!†- Iris, wondering where the CD had gone from a Disney CD book
Recently Alexa started understanding Iris. Since then we’ve had a lot of “poo†on the shopping list and “what does the fox say†played over the speaker.
“Mummy, I want my ears peeled like yours†- Iris
"Oh my goodness I've got lots of sneeze!" Iris making light of her cold
"Olive had motional and wanted Mummy" - Iris's word of the day, motional.
Iris gets very excited about Nan day on Fridays "Go to Nans and Oli go Nui!" (Playcentre Tamaraki Nui - big kids excursions)
Iris has taken to piggy backs but she calls them "back packs" which makes much more sense!
It seems our most precious items in life seen through the eyes of our children are coffee and phones. Iris always says at 5.30am "mummy get coffee?, daddy coffee?" Almost in a concerned state. Yesterday I dropped my phone, once too many, never shattered a screen before... Iris keeps reminding me "mummy broke phone, mummy got daddy phone" why is it they remember and highlight our faults?! Oh well!
We've had three tinkles on the toilet so far. All voluntary. Probably just the novelty of it but it would be nice to have it a little easier this time round!
"Mummy gone gym tots?" "Yes Iriee, mummy's gone to gym tots".
"Did you have fun at KCC today Iris?" Iris: "Rowan, James, Angela, Chrissy!". Another day- "did you enjoy music today Irinee?" - Iris: "James, Chrissy, Rowan, Angela!" .....
"Water, in, eyes!" - Iris, upon arriving at KCC after a very cold bike ride.
For over a year Iris has been an early riser (4.30-5.30am) so an early buggy ride most mornings was the usual, but with three tyres worn and falling apart it forced us to put her back to bed (plus, daylight savings brought things an hour earlier!). The first morning was the worst, second a small grizzle followed by the third just needing to be laid down again. Fourth morning 6am wake up. Let's hope it continues!
"For the first time in forever, you slept in, in the morning Iriee!" (Until 6.45am) and we feel amazing!
Iris words of the week: "Book", "Read It" (or at least it sounds like it), "Fffoot", "Doggy" (any animal at first is a doggy), "Monkey" (her favourite bedtime toy), "Botbot" (bottle), "Bregat" (breakfast). Her words are coming thick and fast now which is very exciting. Everything is spoken with a shout.
Iris has started taking a few steps. She had been stand surfing for a few weeks and enjoyed holding our hands to walk.
Iris has developed some interesting habits of late. If she is at all frustrated (usually when Olive deems it necessary to place toys away and up high or the play isn't doing what she wants) she lashes out and tries to bite Olive or anything nearby. Is she a biter? And of course the dog flap has been discovered and what a wonder that is, freedom to the slide! And lastly climbing small things like doll cots and boxes.
Iris has finally done it! Slept from 6pm to 5.30am amazing! Help from th sleep specialist is certainly paying off. Should have been the best night sleep in months until Olive woke up crying at 2am and stayed awake for 2.5hr! Why? Oh why?!!! Finally falling asleep in our bed.
We have experienced a week of really bad sleep but Iris has another bottom tooth! And four top teeth are cutting through, thank goodness there was a reason?!
Two nights in a row Iris has slept through... 7.30pm to 6.30am. I never thought this was possible. The third night was to 3.30am... Geeze I'm lucky! What a lovely smilie baby you are Iris.
All three girls in our household have colds. Iris with her first. Poor little snuffly thing. Luckily the snot sucker works a treat on her. Olive, however, fights everything we do to help - even the tasty pamol. No play group this week. She has, however, had a nap in the car two days in a row.